Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift / Thigh Reduction

Who would consider thigh lift surgery?

People may consider thigh lift surgery if they have excess skin and fat on their inner thighs that results in skin laxity and a shape that they do not like.

What does Thigh lift surgery involve?

The excess skin and underlying fat is removed from the inner thigh. The scar is along the inner thigh extending up to the groin region.

What results can I expect following Thigh lift surgery?

An improvement in the thigh shape and contour is achieved following thigh lift surgery. A person usually returns to normal activities after 2-3 weeks. Strenuous activity should be avoided for 6 weeks. The scar on the inside of the thigh remains visible, but improves over time.

All of the potential complications of Thigh lift surgery will be discussed in detail with you at your consultation with Dr Pyragius.