
Liposuction / Body Contouring

Who would consider Liposuction?

People may consider liposuction if they have localized accumulations of fat in parts of their body that persist despite diet and exercise. Common areas include the hips, thighs and lower abdomen.

What does Liposuction involve?

Liposuction involves the removal of fat from under the skin using a suction technique. Small incisions are made and the fat is removed until the desired contour and shape is achieved.

What results can I expect after liposuction

Initially a compression garment is worn to help with reshaping after liposuction.

Swelling and bruising is maximal during the first week after liposuction. The bruising usually improves by 2 weeks. Most of the swelling improves during the first 4 weeks.

The final contour will be achieved by 3 months.

All of the potential complications and risks of liposuction will be discussed in detail with you at your consultation with Dr Pyragius.